琳瑯滿目的生態標籤混淆英國消費者 一份由漁業顧問海洋資源評估集團(MRAG)與Stirling大學,針對英國現行市面上販售琳瑯滿目、容易渾淆消費者之生態標籤水產品進行的研究發現,有很多與事實不符,甚至僅因捕獲方式而被排除於永續水產品之列;裝潢再加上魚種類別差異甚大,造成消費者根本無從辨別買到的是否為符合永續原則的水產品,所以呼籲向支持永續理念與認證連貫性的消費者提供更多公開透明的資訊。 英國漁業局樂見並肯定MARG針對市面上生態標籤與聯合國糧農組織標準相左的比較報告。烤肉食材該局呼籲所有水產認證方案提出足以符合聯合國對水產品建議表與生態標籤標準的證明;若不以建立並堅持認證方案水準來鼓勵消費者有信心購買永續水產品,不僅會讓消費者對生態標籤喪失信心,甚至可能衝擊生態標籤與未來海洋生態系統的健全性。(摘譯小額信貸自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 2/2010)TOO MANY ECO-LABELS CONFUSE CONSUMERSConsumers are being presented with a confusing variety of eco-labels on shop-bought fish, says a UK investigationinto all the current schemes. Results were 租屋inconsistent between schemes and some species were excluded from a‘sustainability’ lists simply because of the way they were caught. Also, fish stocks could vary widely betweenfisheries, so consumers were not aware of the fish 房地產they were buying were sustainable.The research, undertaken by the fisheries consultancy Marine Resources Assessment Group (MRAG) in associationwith the University of Stirling, called for better information for customers who want 買屋網to support sustainable and moreconsistency from certifiers.Seafish, the UK authority, welcomed the report and said the MRAG’s comparison of these eco-labels against thecriteria established by the UN’s Food and Agriculture 長灘島Organisation is highly relevant. Seafish calls on all fisherycertification schemes to ensure that they are fully complaint with the UN’s criteria for seafood recommendation listsand eco-labels. It said that only by establishing 房屋出租and maintaining standards in certification schemes that Seafish canencourage consumers to purchase sustainable seafood with confidence.Failure to do so will lead to consumers losing confidence in these schemes, with potentially 住商房屋disastrous results bothfor the schemes themselves, and for the future health of our marine eco-system, Seafish said.

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